Welcome to Sea Eagles Toastmasters Club

Toastmasters Club Mission Statement
We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.”

Welcome to Sea Eagles Toastmasters

The Toastmasters program will help you to:

  • Develop better speaking and presentation skills
  • Learn to think quickly and clearly on your feet
  • Build strong leadership abilities
  • Hone your listening skills

The proven way to become a better speaker

Toastmasters will give you the skills and confidence you need to effectively express yourself in any situation. Whether you are a professional, student, stay-at-home parent or retiree, Toastmasters is the most efficient, enjoyable and affordable way of gaining great communication skills. By learning to effectively formulate and express your ideas, you open an entirely new world of possibilities. You’ll be more persuasive and confident when giving presentations, and you’ll improve your one-on-one dealings with others.

Creating Leaders

Leadership is the art of persuading others to do what you wish to be done. To do so, you need to communicate, and you need to work as a team. In Toastmasters, you’ll do both. And you’ll find out how to vary your approach to suit the needs of different people, be they the audience for a speech, the committee for a fundraiser, or the members of your family.

We invite you to attend our next meeting

Contact us if you would like to come to our next meeting as a visitor. We would love to see you!


Click here for details of other Toastmasters Clubs

Toastmasters District 90

Toastmasters International