TIMING: 2 minutes
EDUCATIONAL AIDS: C & L Manual, The Toastmaster magazine, Club material – eg. Guest Welcome Leaflet, Club Newsletter
- To welcome members and visitors and make them feel at ease, relaxed and looking forward to a great night.
- To give our visitors background information on the Toastmasters program and what they can expect to hear during the next 2-1/2 hours.
- To set the atmosphere for the rest of the evening – the warmth and sincerity of your welcome is important.
- Arrive early!
- Introduce yourself to visitors.
- Find out visitors’ names, whether they have attended a Toastmasters meeting before, and any background information which may ‘personalise’ your welcome.
Approach the lectern and commence “Mr Chairman, Toastmasters and Guests”, then tailor your welcome according to the guests, eg. Incorporate some of the following in your welcome –
- who are we
- our aims and objectives
- how we try to achieve them
- why we are pleased to have visitors
- what they can expect to hear and learn
- how they contribute to our meeting‟s success
- invitation to come again
- invitation at end of the night to give us their comment and impressions
If no Guests: Welcome the members; mention those who may have missed last meeting; those who have returned after an illness or holiday; make it as personal as you can.
Special Guests: If the Club has a contest, you may have special guests (judges or speakers from another club). Make sure you know the names and where they are seated in the room. Introduce these guests to the audience and welcome them. Conclude your assignment by returning control of the Meeting to the Chair with “Mr/Madam Chairman”.
- Don’t ask a guest to say anything (other than their name if you did not have time to obtain before the meeting).
- Don’t mistake a new member for a guest.
- Don’t overlook anyone. If you realise later you have overlooked a guest, give the name to the Chairman during the recess so the Chairman can make an appropriate comment.