
TIMING: 2 minutes


  • To pay formal tribute to a person, group, or special event with which the meeting will readily identify.
  • To present a brief mini-speech with an opening, body and close.
  • To set a positive, light tone for the rest of the evening.


Research your Assignment – What is the theme for the night? What significant or relevant time of the year is it? What special day or event is being celebrated?
You can construct your toast around any of these ideas or you can make up one yourself.


Remember to take your drink to the lectern and place it nearby.
Ensure that everyone has a drink with which to Toast. This can be done before the meeting starts or when you are at the lectern by stating “Please make sure you have your glasses ready for the Toast”
Commence your assignment with “Mr / Madam Chairman, Toastmasters and Guests ……..”
Give the subject of the toast and then continue with a mini speech on why Toastmasters should propose a toast to your subject.

When you are ready:

  • ask everyone to stand and take up their drink
  • wait until everyone is ready, ask them to raise their glasses to join the “Toast to ……”
  • if necessary, prompt the audience response, then take a sip from your glass
  • after everyone has toasted, ask the audience to be seated
  • wait until everyone is seated and settled
  • hand back to the Chairman with ‘Mr/Madam Chairman’.


  • Do not leave the audience guessing as to who or what you are toasting – ensure this is clear in your opening remarks.
  • Avoid cliches like “be upstanding‟, “down the hatch”; A well-presented toast can simply start “please join me in toasting…..”
  • Ensure your Toast to ……. is short, sharp and concise; no more than 3 or four words.
  • The toast can contain humour; it should be warm, sensitive, special, sentimental.