TIMING: 10 minutes
- To evaluate assignments which have not already been evaluated.
- To provide a comment on the overall conduct of the meeting which will serve as a useful guide for future meetings
- To point out any significant areas you feel an evaluator may have overlooked which maybe useful to the speaker or the meeting. Be careful doing this – do not pick up on minor issues!
It’s a great assignment – hard work, but challenging. You have to listen carefully. You’ll be scribbling all evening yet you will have to be selective about what you say because of time constraints
Read the assignment guide. Check the aims/responsibilities of the assignments so you know what to expect from each assignment.
Note: comment only on those assignments in your session
- The overall tone of the meeting.
- Was it lively? Entertaining? or Dull?
- Orderly? Dragging?
- Too serious or too frivolous.
- What didn’t you like?
- Did they put the audience at ease and outline the purpose of the prepared speeches?
- Was the room set up correctly for each speaker (and himself)?
- Did they introduce the speakers clearly and make them feel comfortable?
- Did they name the evaluators and instruct the timer?
- Did the introductions show he had prepared his comments in advance (had he done his homework!)?
- Was the Toastmaster too showy, did he try to upstage the speakers? Don’t evaluate the speakers but you do comment on the:
Speech Evaluators
- Did they give worthwhile and valuable evaluations – e.g. praise/improve/praise.
- Were they familiar with the objectives of the speech?
- Were the evaluations too tough, too kind.
- Did they miss any noteworthy points?
- Do not mention any specific areas in the speech unless you feel it was overlooked by the evaluator and was important to the speaker.
- Do not evaluate the Business Session and Reports
Reports by the Grammarian, Ah Counter and Timer:
- Did they give us the information we wanted?
- Were the reports concise?
- Did the grammarian give a balanced report of praise and improve.
- Did the timer keep the meeting to time?
Finally, don’t forget to evaluate –
The Chairman
- Did he open the meeting well?
- Did he fill the position with courtesy tact and firmness?
- Did he lose control?
- Did he keep the meeting flowing?
- Had he prepared in advance?