
Chairman Assignment GuideAWARD: The Stirrers Award
EDUCATION MATERIALS: Renton’s Guide for Meetings


  • Run the meeting’s proceedings smoothly and efficiently so that it achieves its aim.
  • Ensure the meeting runs according to time as per the agenda.
  • Find and carry out the will of the meeting by democratic techniques during General Business


  • The Chairman’s responsibilities starts at the conclusion of the previous meeting.
  • See the Vice-President Education immediately to fill any holes in the next meeting’s assignments.
  • Read the Assignment Guide to familiarise yourself with the meeting assignments.
  • One week prior, reminder all members with major assignments such as Toastmaster and Evaluators to contact their speakers and confirm everyone is prepared.
  • Brush up on your parliamentary procedure – read the relevant chapters in “A Guide for Meetings” by N.E. Renton. The Sergeant At Arms has the club’s copy.
  • Read your Club Chairman’s Meeting Guide with a meeting agenda beside you so that you can clearly see where the guide and agenda come together.
  • Finally, in the lead up to your meeting, prepare a few light-hearted remarks to address to the meeting after the President introduces you.
  • This concludes the preparation for your meeting and, if you have followed this advice, then on the night of the meeting you should be cool and calm, knowing that everything is in order.


  • Choose a standard of dress that is suitable for a person who is to be treated with respect.
  • Arrive at least 15 minutes before the meeting is due to start.
  • Check with the Vice-President Education to determine if there are any last minute programme changes and amend your copy of the agenda.
  • The four most desirable qualities you should embody as Chairman are:
    • impartiality
    • firmness
    • tact
    • common-sense

Other useful qualities are courtesy, patience, fairness, self-control, tolerance, an orderly mind and a sense of humour.