There is always room for one more!
If you are thinking about joining ‘The Friendly Club’, the first step can seem like a big one. It’s really not. We are just like you, regular people that took that first step! Dropping in for a visit is the best way to find out.
We are not claiming to be world-class, international, knock your socks off speakers. But we always like an extended audience to practice with.
Our meetings are on Mondays, every 1st and 3rd week of the month. There is no pressure and we won’t even ask you to participate or speak up if you don’t feel comfortable. Coming along and seeing how it all works is just the first step to discovering what you can achieve.
The hardest step is that initial one to walk through the door and into a meeting, guess what it was that tough for all of us her at Sea Eagles Toastmasters.
Find out more information on our club’s meeting dates and what to expect and then contact us if you would like to come to our next meeting!
Manly-Warringah Leagues Club
563 Pittwater Road
Brookvale NSW
Disabled access and parking is available for both meetings and the Speechcraft course.