TIMING: 10 minutes
- To evaluate assignments which have not already been evaluated.
- To provide a comment on the overall conduct of the meeting which will serve as a useful guide for future meetings
- To point out any significant areas you feel an evaluator may have overlooked which may be useful to the speaker or the meeting. Be careful doing this – do not pick up on minor issues!
It’s a great assignment – hard work, but challenging. You have to listen carefully. You’ll be scribbling all evening yet you will have to be selective about what you say because of time constraints
Read the assignment guide. Check the aims/responsibilities of the assignments so you know what to expect from each assignment.
Note: comment only on those assignments in your session
- The overall tone of the meeting.
- Was it lively? Entertaining? or Dull?
- Orderly? Dragging?
- Too serious or too frivolous.
- What didn’t you like?
The Sergeant at Arms
- Did the meeting start on time with a firm introduction and handing over of the gavel.
- Was all the gear e.g. banner, lectern in place, the water and glasses.
- Were the visitors made welcome before the meeting?
- Handled correctly eg any additional apologies?
- Was a motion moved and seconded that the apologies be accepted?
- Was in sincere, informative, welcoming, different?
- Were the visitors given enough information?
- Were any props used (e.g. manual, Toastmaster magazine).
- Did the timer explain his role
- How did the timer explain his role, enthusiastically?
Word of the Night
- Did the Grammarian explain his role?
- Was the word of the night word that could be used?
- Not commonly used?
Ah Counter
- Explain the role and give examples?
Table Tonic
- Did it add sparkle to the meeting? Was it something different?
Topics Master
- Did the Toastmaster explain the purpose for visitors?
- Was there a theme?
- Was it an imaginative session?
- Were the questions too long or too difficult?
- Was the overall session lively?
- Did he ensure members without a major assignment received a question?
- Were the visitors asked if they would like a question?
- Did he give clear instructions for the timer and evaluators?
Table Topics Evaluators
- Did the evaluators waste time by repeating the question?
- Did they offer a point of praise and a point for improvement.
- Were the evaluations likely to help the speakers and audience.
The Toast
- Was it appropriate, topical, too long, dull, inspiring?
- Did the Toastmaster remember his glass?
- Was the Toast itself short enough for the audience to repeat?